Self-love is your secret weapon to living a fulfilling life.
That’s because your inner world creates your outer world.
Before you can receive love and respect from others, you
need to love and respect yourself.
It’s okay to put your needs first. when you love yourself
fully you feed your soul and become the highest version of yourself.
No one has a better understanding of your innermost thoughts
and needs than you do. Even when you try to share with others how you feel,
they may empathize and show compassion, but they’ll never quite experience life
the same way you do.
When you have self-love, you understand who you are at the
core of your being and you accept who are, flaws and all.
Self-acceptance has, over and over again, been shown to be a
key indicator of success. Self-love is the next step after self-acceptance.
The process of achieving self-love may look different for
each person but there are some key steps that everyone needs to take:
- · Figure out what you’re good at and what you’re not
- · Don’t kill yourself trying to get rid of “weakness”. Understand that no one is good at everything and work on improving your strengths.
- · If you don’t like your work, find a new job. It takes way too much energy to wear a mask every day.
- · When you make decisions out of guilt, to please or to avoid conflict, you overvalue the needs of others and disrespect yourself. Don’t!
The only thing standing between you and true success and
happiness is yourself. Go get some self-love, you deserve it!