Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 Freedom of choice

‘Decision’- though a small word, it can weigh you tonnes if you end up with the ‘other side of right’ conclusion! We teenagers are wild in nature and don’t like feeling restrained. We rebel and that is absolutely normal and comes naturally due to our biological development. There are times we end up fighting against what we believe and support, just to prove the other party wrong. Well, this particular situation could hammer you down, if it was for the case of your important future decisions! 

Don’t make decisions based on the feeling of proving someone wrong; that is what most of the people end up doing and put their life in the trash can. Obviously, no one wants to live a life with such regrets! 

The best way to avoid such unfortunate mishaps is to always keep a clear head. Clarity of mind will help us know and make decisions that we want and won't harm us in the future. This applies for everyone but especially for the teenagers. Other than that, irrespective of age and experiences, everyone can and makes a wrong decision from time to time. Our judgement only gets better with practice. As for that, I believe allowing teenagers to make their own decisions is one of the main ways to self-development

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

my story towards loving myself

today im in no mood to tell u how to love urself. instead I will tell u my story to loving myself.
loving yourself in not easy to achieve. and once achieved it never remains constant. u always have to put some effort; but an effort put in for urself is more important and effective than an effort put in to make others love u.
I seriously love myself. I love my confidence and enthusiasm in doing new stuff. I have this weird ability to feel like I will melt out of nervousness but look hell of a confident in front of others that my friends get a little inspired from that...or not.
there r days where I don't know what I am doing or why, or I get sudden urges to cry. those days r quite dark. all the comments and situations that were bashful or not to my preference comes to mind, which then was tactfully avoided. these days u start questioning urself, and its really hard to love urself.

but what matters is(and what I say to myself is) to believe God has made u the best version of urself and u cant express that best version but beating urself up for some shit that others have been throwing at you, cuz if u stay like that it gives them more the reason to do so. bring out ur best version, show them what u r capable of, then they would kn what they r missing in life, and u would find the best in everything. it doesn't necessarily have to be joy or love, whatever u feel when u r truly believing urself is the feeling needed to kn urself. this is only possible when u love urself.
weird shit, but I like attention, as I love myself for what I do , I want people to see it, acknowledge it, feel it. I believe one can spread love only when he/she loves themselves.
love thyself!
peace out.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

If you keep listening to what the world thinks of you, you will develop a habit of considering others’ opinion before what you have in your mind.

To the people who judge others for who they are, please stop. Don't take others feelings for granted. Saying even the simplest of things can cause people to cower and close themselves. You never know but you  might be one of the people who they look up too. They don't show it but your each and every move are being admired. Your words are being taken account of.
So today its not to the people who lack in self love, but to those with overflowing  confidence and self affection. The people living in your shadow is trying hard to get out of their shell and show their true colors. To you, calling someone dull or slow might be funny and uneventful, but to them your words carry so much weight, they start putting your words into action. They start to present themselves as dull and boring. Slowly they start carrying the typical tag of "OUTCAST" and people are soon to be forgotten of their existence. therefore, for their sake stop this small comments and save them from a life of an outcast.
Now to 'them', don't blindly listen to others assumption of your personality. build it yourself. Find your own peace and happiness because you are the only person who knows what you want the best. Don't run behind overrated people who are not considering your feelings.
Good luck in loving yourself.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you.

Be kind to yourself.
Get to know yourself. 

Let yourself have feelings. 
Consider what self-esteem means to you. 
Try to challenge unkind thoughts about yourself.
Avoid comparing yourself to others. 
Say positive things to yourself.

Look after yourself.
Try to get enough sleep. 
Think about your diet.
Try to do some physical activity.
Spend time outside.

Celebrate your successes.
Accept compliments. 
Ask people what they like about you. 
Don't put too much weight on negatives. 
Write a list of things you like about yourself. 
Build a support network.
Talk to someone. 
Try peer support.

Do something for yourself every day. 
Let yourself have fun. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.

Self-love is your secret weapon to living a fulfilling life. That’s because your inner world creates your outer world.
Before you can receive love and respect from others, you need to love and respect yourself.
It’s okay to put your needs first. when you love yourself fully you feed your soul and become the highest version of yourself.
No one has a better understanding of your innermost thoughts and needs than you do. Even when you try to share with others how you feel, they may empathize and show compassion, but they’ll never quite experience life the same way you do.
When you have self-love, you understand who you are at the core of your being and you accept who are, flaws and all.
Self-acceptance has, over and over again, been shown to be a key indicator of success. Self-love is the next step after self-acceptance.
The process of achieving self-love may look different for each person but there are some key steps that everyone needs to take:
  • ·         Figure out what you’re good at and what you’re not
  • ·         Don’t kill yourself trying to get rid of “weakness”. Understand that no one is good at everything and work on improving your strengths.
  • ·         If you don’t like your  work, find a new job. It takes way too much energy to wear a mask every day.
  • ·         When you make decisions out of guilt, to please or to avoid conflict, you overvalue the needs of others and disrespect yourself. Don’t!

The only thing standing between you and true success and happiness is yourself. Go get some self-love, you deserve it!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

BEAUTY begins the moment you decide to be YOURSELF

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

no one is you and that is your SUPER POWER

Self-love motivates you to make healthy choices in life.
When you hold yourself in high esteem, you're more likely to choose things that nurture your well-being and serve you well.

let today be the day you love yourself enough to no longer just dream of a better life; let it be the day to act upon it.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Be your own kind of beauty

Being our own kind of beautiful consists of being who we are from the inside first, and then translating that onto the outside of our bodies secondly.
Being your own kind of beauty requires you to develop your inner you. To do so it is essential to achieve self love.